Wednesday, August 6, 2008


So, 2 weeks ago, my husband was grilling chicken for us for dinner..I love it when he does this. All I do is marinate the meat and he does all the work and it's wonderful :)
Anyway, so I'm watching him flip the meat and then he walks out the back lanai door to trim some bushes around a banana tree we have that has been overrun with weeds...I was getting annoyed because whenever he gets distracted cooking, it normally winds up that the chicken gets too dark and it's not so tasty. I picked up our house phone to call his cell to nag him about not forgetting to flip the meat but I decided I didn't want to be that nagging wife and if our chicken ended up burning...I could live with it. So, a bit later when he brought in a plate of very black chicken, I just smiled and we ate it.
Two days later, he breaks out in a rash...poison oak/sumac rash. It's definitely not poison ivy. He knows too well what that looks like based on past experience but he's admitted to not knowing about the other 2. Well, once again, I wanted to say to him "well, if you would just focus on grilling while you are grilling instead of weed-wacking, this wouldn't have happened" but again, I bit my tongue because I felt so sorry for him...He's had to go see our doctor and get all kinds of creams and drugs because it's blistering and oozing and completely nasty. It even took his appetite and for those of you that don't know, Doug can eat anytime, anyplace...even when he's sick. SO, I knew he was pretty bad.
Ok, well 2 weeks have passed and suddenly I'M breaking out in a rash. So, supposedly it's not contagious after the rash appears but in the beginning when he has the oils and stuff on him it is and that was in the first 2 days when we weren't aware of it...why it took 2 weeks for mine to start I have no idea but I'm NOT happy about it. It's nothing nearly as bad as his..mine aren't blistering and oozing so ..once again, I will not nag him. :) However, I guess when he reads this post he'll know...HAHA. (I LOVE YOU DOUG! You are the BEST hubby!) Anyway, the moral of this story is....stay away from poison ivy,oak, sumac. Duh.



NaplesRhonda said...

Sounds very uncomfortable! Welcome to the world of blogging though!

Anonymous said...

This is Laurie (Pierce) Huntley,. remember me from Singles at fbcn? Are you on facebook?

Anonymous said...

I love the blog, this is my first one! So sorry for the rash...hope it leaves soon for your own pregnancy, Nancy Malik

Anonymous said...

Is it gone YET???

I'll call you this weekend. Love you sis.